What we do
We are a Leadership Execution company, providing solutions that empower even your most inexperienced employees to engage with their colleagues like seasoned leaders. We deliver real-time, actionable guidance that transforms leadership knowledge into immediate, effective action. This ensures your team leads with confidence and competence, regardless of their experience level.
Introducing Leadership Execution Solutions
Leadership is always a hot topic in both academic and corporate circles. We’ve amassed a wealth of knowledge on how to improve leadership, yet the data makes it clear that there’s a significant gap between what we know and how well we do it. Our current tools for generating good leadership at work simply don’t go far enough.
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How Hard is It to Contextualize a Skill?
One of, if not the biggest, barrier to developing a new skill is applying the knowledge of how to perform the skill to a specific situation. We call this the contextualization challenge. In our research, we identified five factors that drive the difficulty of contextualizing a skill, which we’ve integrated into a “Skill Contextualization Difficulty Assessment.
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The Bleak Corporate Leadership Report Card
Some of the following metrics aren’t reported regularly, while others, especially those regarding employee perceptions of their managers and leadership, are collected frequently by Gallup. None of them have changed in ways that would tell a different story—they have remained bleak for decades.
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What Does Good Leadership Look Like?
Searches on “good leadership,” “what is good leadership?” and “what does good leadership look like?” are some of the more common paths to leadership development firm websites. Based on searchers’ clicks and follow-up questions, what they usually want to know is the list of behaviors a good leader exhibits. They usually skip past the more foundation question of how we define good leadership.
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Leadership skills are emergent… and that’s a problem
Leadership skills are learned through an emergent process involving everyone in our lives as well as other people we don’t even know — real and fictional, alive and dead — that influence us. One of my childhood friends wouldn’t say “I’m sorry” because he’d never heard the Fonz apologize!
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ACEs are Aces (Advanced Contextualization Engines)
Do you recall from a past vacation renting equipment like skis or snorkel gear? Taking on some physical activity such as ziplining? In all of those cases, something pretty extraordinary happens that we take for granted — we fill out some basic information on a contract template and sign it.
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Leadership Skill Development Programs Have Hit a Ceiling
Ever since Dale Carnegie launched his course “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in 1912 (the course’s eponymous book followed in 1936), we’ve been trying to address leadership deficiencies by training our employees, managers, and executives to be better leaders. Over the past few decades, statistical insights, technology advancements, and an explosion in the number of leadership development organizations have led to tremendous innovation and a myriad of leadership development solutions.
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Managerial Responsibilities and Their Intensities Over Time
The complexity and difficulty of the front-line manager role has increased dramatically with each economic revolution. Today, for most, it’s become impossible.
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